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Argentine Tango

Argentine tango is not a set step, but a completely improvised dance combining various elements in a spontaneous manner, as determined by the lead. 

To be able to improvise, the dancer needs to learn the lead and implementation of the different single elements of Tango, so they can be produced later by leading appropriately in space and music.

The elements are just a few as:
– caminar (walk), 
– cruce (cross), 
– ochos (figure-eight), 
– ganchos (leg hooks), 
– giros (turns), 
– contragiros (turns in the other direction), 
– sacadas (displacements), 
– boleos (this expression comes from boleadoras, 
– balls linked with cords, thrown to hunt animals), 
– llevadas de pie (moving foot by foot), 
– cortes (cuts), and 
– quebradas (breaks). 

Well-known and simple combinations are called figura básica (basic figures), especially when they contain just one element. Some of the elements are named as a figure.


4 beats in each bar (measure)


Slow, Slow, Quick, Quick, Slow


30-32 beats per minute



Dance Moves for [post_title]

°Basic Corte
°Basic Step
°Change of Places
°Closed Promenade
°Contra Rock
°Contra Rock to Reverse Pivot
°Cross Body Lead to Triple Swivel
°Gancho to Outside Swivel
°Left-Turning Rock
°Open Left Turn
°Open Left Turn to Outside Swivel
°Open Promenade
°Outside Swivel
°Progressive Rocks
°Promenade Pivot
°Promenade Release to Open Fan
°Promenade Release to Underarm Turn Left
°Promenade With Left Swivel
°Promenade With Right Turn
°Rock to Promenade
°Shadow Rocks





Dance Steps

 Email: tom@dancesteps.com.au