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Tango is earthy and dramatic. Although walking movements dominate, Tango walks, having a “stalking” or “sneaking” character, are unlike the walks of other ballroom dances. Movements are sometimes slow and slithery, and other times sharp and stacatto, such as a quick foot flick or a sharp head snap to promenade position. Tango has the same counter clockwise flow of movement around the dance floor, but with a lesser sense of urgency in comparison to the smoother and more continuous ballroom dances. American Style Tango, especially at highly-developed skill levels, makes great use of open and alternate dance positions to further showcase Tango’s dramatic nature.

Ballroom Tango is a ballroom dance that branched away from its original Argentine roots by allowing European, American, Hollywood, and competitive (a.k.a dancesport) influences into the style and execution of the dance.


4 beats in each bar (measure)


Slow, Slow, Quick, Quick, Slow


30-32 beats per minute



Dance Moves for [post_title]

°Back Corte
°Back Open Promenade
°Back Rocks
°Basic Reverse Turn
°Basic Walk
°Brush Tap
°Closed Promendade
°Contra Check
°Fallaway Four Step
°Fallaway Promenade
°Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot
°Five Step
°Four Step
°Four Step Change
°Natural Promenade Turn
°Natural Twist Turn
°Open Promenade
°Open Reverse Turn
°Open Reverse Turn to Outside Swivel
°Open Reverse Turn, Lady In-Line
°Open Reverse Turn, Lady Outside
°Outside Swivel
°Progressive Side Step
°Promenade Link
°Reverse Endings
°Reverse Outside Swivel
°Rock Turn
°The Chase





Dance Steps

 Email: tom@dancesteps.com.au