Good Day RBDC Members,

We sincerely hope this message finds you keeping safe and staying healthy – the most important things always, but especially at this time.

The last time your RBDC Executive met, you received  communication from us indicating that all RBDC planned functions were cancelled. Thank you for your understanding and support of this decision – your health and well being are our paramount concern.

The Executive met again virtually this past Sunday, April 19th together with the Chief Instructor Group. As a team, we are committed to transparency and communication with members as we work through what services we are able to provide as well as when and how we can safely begin to deliver classes and events again. While the provincial government works towards reopening our economy, they continue to have regulations and guidelines we are committed to upholding. More information can be found here:

Discussion at this meeting created good ideas; however, it’s clear that understanding your expectations and giving you a chance to share thoughts, and opinions is necessary. To do so, we will be sending a survey via email within the next few weeks. We hope you take advantage of this opportunity to let us know how you feel.

Other topics of discussion at our meeting included:

We will take the lead from our Governments on when its safe to proceed with gatherings prior to scheduling any classes; but will communicate as soon as we’re able to take registrations and plan for lessons. It is highly unlikely that we will be able to host a Fall session – but we will continue to communicate so do stay tuned!

If we are able to host a Silver Bells Ball this December, we are planning a creative new option! The dance is scheduled for Sunday, December 13, as a noon meal and an afternoon event. This is a terrific way to use a beautiful space, have a great meal; and continue to manage expenses and make best use of our budget. 

We do have a Last Waltz booked for the 2020/2021 season in anticipation of being able to host an event by this time. This dance is booked for April 10th at the Turvey Centre. Mark your calendars in pencil and stay tuned.\

No Fall Theme dance is planned.

We hope to be able to host a Volunteer Appreciation & Season Kick-off once we determine when our “Season” can be held.

Once we are able to host events safely, we plan to offer a few social dances to get us all back in the groove and celebrate! We’ll announce these dances and the plans we have for them as soon as we can do so!

Our financial situation has improved and we plan to continue to provide quality services while being fiscally responsible. We are proud of the efforts of our Chief Instructor Group offering new and exciting classes, and all members of the RBDC board for managing their areas of responsibility with restraint and careful attention. This takes hard work and effort. Thank you all.

We will also be providing regular communication; and hopefully a smile now and then. We plan to do this through:
1. providing a recap after each RBDC Executive meeting so you’re kept in the loop
2. continuing RBDC Ballroom Biz newsletters. If you wish to contribute an article or idea, please email [email protected] 
3. facebook posts meant to celebrate dance of all kinds, share a thought, and make you smile. And of course, information on the club whenever possible.

If you wish to volunteer to help in any area of the management of the club during this time, please email [email protected]

On behalf of your Executive and Chief Instructors, thank you, stay safe and healthy, and we’ll dance again soon,

Your President,
Arlette Lapointe

This content was originally published here.

Author: dancesteps